BOOK Players Option: Spells and Magic (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, First Printing, Rulebook/2163) by Richard Baker (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

BOOK Players Option: Spells and Magic (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, First Printing, Rulebook/2163) by Richard Baker (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

BOOK Players Option: Spells and Magic (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, First Printing, Rulebook/2163) by Richard Baker (Goodreads

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Book description

Book description
Does your wizard wish to create a powerful magical item or a potent new spell? What other effects does your priests favorite offensive spell accomplish? Spells & Magic provides players and Dungeon Masters with expanded rules that are compatible with the Players Handbook, the DUNGEON MASTER Guide, and the rest of the PLAYERS OPTION line of rulebooks. Within these pages you will find new spells and proficiencies for wizards and priests, plus further rules on spell research and magical item creation, new options for designing spellcasters, an alternate system of gaining and using spells, and much more. Use this book to bring out the full power and potential of any spellcasting character!
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