BOOK Phaedra: A Novel of Ancient Athens by June Rachuy Brindel ios tom acquire free audio

BOOK Phaedra: A Novel of Ancient Athens by June Rachuy Brindel ios tom acquire free audio

BOOK Phaedra: A Novel of Ancient Athens by June Rachuy Brindel ios tom acquire free audio

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Book description
Between 1* and 2**. A poor example of a retelling: the Phaedra/Theseus/Hippolytus myth. Told in the voice of one of Phaedras servants and from her viewpoint, it was too feminist for me and strayed too far from the original myth. Basically, I felt the author was trying to give her interpretation of how worship of a Mother Goddess was suppressed and supplanted by a mostly masculine pantheon. Story was too outlandish and I had no sympathy for any of the characters. Read originally in June 2015, my opinion has definitely not changed this time around!
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