BOOK Nitro Mountain: A novel by Lee Clay Johnson read eng italian price online

BOOK Nitro Mountain: A novel by Lee Clay Johnson read eng italian price online

BOOK Nitro Mountain: A novel by Lee Clay Johnson read eng italian price online

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Book description
An astonishing, even shocking debut--darker than a bad night in hell--that is written with both humor and heart by a writer with abundant and scary gifts and consummate skill.Set in a bitterly benighted, mine-polluted corner of Virginia, Nitro Mountain follows a group of people bound together by alcohol, small-time crime, and music. Theres Leon, a hapless bass player who can embroil himself in trouble just by getting out of bed in the morning. And his would-be girlfriend, Jennifer, whos living with Arnett, the towns most dangerous thug--and hoping Leon will help poison him. And theres Arnett himself, a psychopath for the ages--albeit so charming and deranged, so strikingly authentic, that he arrests the readers attention at first sight and holds it fast. His mirror image, a singer-songwriter named Jones, has his own moral issues, though at least hes trying to be a good man. The bright if battered soul who pulls us through this story is Jennifer, struggling heroically to survive the endemic hopelessness and violence that have surrounded her since birth. Relentless? Yes. But nothing remotely gratuitous: only the pain and misery that inspire so much of the music these people love more than life itself.
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