BOOK New York Stories: The Best of the City Section of the New York Times by Constance Rosenblum (Editor) no registration full version get download iphone

BOOK New York Stories: The Best of the City Section of the New York Times by Constance Rosenblum (Editor) no registration full version get download iphone

BOOK New York Stories: The Best of the City Section of the New York Times by Constance Rosenblum (Editor) no registration full

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Book description

Book description
There are eight million stories in the Naked City. This famous line from the 1948 film The Naked City has become an emblem of New York City itself. One publication cultivating many of New York Citys greatest stories is the City section in The New York Times. Each Sunday, this section of The New York Times, distributed only in papers in the five boroughs, captivates readers with tales of people and places that make the city unique.Featuring a cast of stellar writers Phillip Lopate, Vivian Gornick, Thomas Beller and Laura Shaine Cunningham, among others New York Stories brings some of the best essays from the City section to readers around the country. New Yorkers can learn something new about their city, while other readers will enjoy the flavor of the Big Apple. New York Stories profiles people like sixteen-year-old Barbara Ott, who surfs the waters off Rockaway in Queens, and Sonny Payne, the beloved panhandler of the F train. Other essays explore memorable places in the city, from the Greenwich Village townhouse blown up by radical activists in the 1970s to a basketball court that serves as the heart of its Downtown neighborhood.The forty essays collected in New York Stories reflect an intimate understanding of the city, one that goes beyond the headlines. The result is a passionate, well-written portrait of a legendary and ever-evolving place.
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