BOOK Murder in Mayberry: Greed, Death, and Mayhem in a Small Town by Mary Kinney Branson (Goodreads Author) read bookshop acquire macbook download

BOOK Murder in Mayberry: Greed, Death, and Mayhem in a Small Town by Mary Kinney Branson (Goodreads Author) read bookshop acquire macbook download

BOOK Murder in Mayberry: Greed, Death, and Mayhem in a Small Town by Mary Kinney Branson (Goodreads Author) read bookshop acquire

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Book description

Book description
When small-town police officers come upon a murder scene in which the victim is a prominent millionaire with multiple blows to the head and nearly 100 stab wounds, theyre in unfamiliar territory. Throw in lies, gossip, greed, international extradition struggles, and a conflicted federal agent, and the result is Murder in Mayberry. Lifting the veil on a picket-fenced, Bible Belt town, this chilling drama reveals a tale of secret lives and drug addiction, and is both an involving true crime story and the story of the author’s emotional journey from normal life to life turned upside down.
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