BOOK Mountain Man by Keith C. Blackmore (Goodreads Author) itunes link original selling read

BOOK Mountain Man by Keith C. Blackmore (Goodreads Author) itunes link original selling read

BOOK Mountain Man by Keith C. Blackmore (Goodreads Author) itunes link original selling read

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Book description
Boomstick.Samurai bat.Motorcycle leather.And the will to live amongst the unliving.Augustus Berry lives a day-to-day existence comprised of waking up, getting drunk, and preparing for the inevitable day when they will come up the side of his mountain and penetrate his fortress. Living on the outskirts of a city and scavenging for whatever supplies remain after civilization died two years ago, Gus knows that every time he goes down into undead suburbia could be his last.A novel of the zombie apocalypse. *First book of a completed 4-book series.* Contains graphic language and scenes of violence. Complete series order:Book 1: Mountain ManBook 2: SafariBook 3: HellifaxBook 4: Well FedAlso :The Hospital (a single short story, also part of the collection CauldronGristle. This story happens six months before the events of MountainMan. )
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