BOOK Mistletoe Mansion by Samantha Tonge (Goodreads Author) read italian buy touch direct link

BOOK Mistletoe Mansion by Samantha Tonge (Goodreads Author) read italian buy touch direct link

BOOK Mistletoe Mansion by Samantha Tonge (Goodreads Author) read italian buy touch direct link

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Book description
Kimmy Jones has three loves: cupcakes, gossip magazines and dreaming of getting fit just by owning celeb workouts.When Kimmys Sensible Boyfriend told her he didnt approve of her longing for the high life or her dream of starting a cupcake company Kimmy thought she could compromise – after all, she did return those five-inch Paris Hilton heels! But asking her to trade in cake-making for a job sorting potatoes is a step too far.So, newly single - and newly homeless – Kimmy needs a dusting of Christmas luck. And, masquerading as a professional house sitter, her new temporary home is the stunning Mistletoe Mansion. Soon she’s best buds with glamorous next door golf WAG Melissa, and orders are pouring in for her fabulous Merry Berry cupcakes! The only thorn in her side is handsome handyman Luke, a distraction she definitely doesnt need. And talking of distractions, something very odd is going on at night…Kimmy is finally living the life she’s always wanted. But will her glimpse into the glittering lifestyle of the rich and famous be as glamorous as she’s always imagined?
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