BOOK Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers, Vol. 3 by Stan Lee (Writer) online without registering iBooks cheap sale

BOOK Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers, Vol. 3 by Stan Lee (Writer) online without registering iBooks cheap sale

BOOK Marvel Masterworks: The Avengers, Vol. 3 by Stan Lee (Writer) online without registering iBooks cheap sale

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I hate to drop this one to 4 stars...Captain America is still in it. (as is Scarlett Witch...the 12 year old in me is still smitten with her).The writing in these was a bit more spotty than in the issues that came before. Lee was beginning to have trouble here with how to write Cap I believe. Where Captain America is simply himself to his fans, there came a time when the writers began to have trouble with handling the character (which continues to this day by the way). The strained relationship between Cap and Hawkeye gets a bit worn after a while. The youre an old guy and I can run the team better than you motif wore thin, even when I was young.Then we get the Goliath story. Antman/Giantman/Yellow jacket (well he hadnt been Yellow Jacket yet)/ Henry Pym manages to get himself stuck at a 10 foot height and then goes on and on ad infinitum expressing his angst at the situation. Oh well...I still love the series and reading this still brings back my youth. If I can Ill snatch up the next volume (assuming there is one etc.). The Avengers were my favorite Super Team, Captain America was my favorite costumed hero and I loved the Silver Age of comics. What more is there to say. Slightly flawed, but still the Avengers. 4+.
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