BOOK Mantra Initiation by Swami Sivananda Radha download mobi

BOOK Mantra Initiation by Swami Sivananda Radha download mobi

BOOK Mantra Initiation by Swami Sivananda Radha download mobi

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Book description
Mantra Initiation is an inspiring guide for anyone interested in mantra initiation and for those already initiated. A collection of insights from Swami Sivananda Radha and Swami Radhananda, this book is meant to complement existing publications and to illuminate mantra initiation in the lineage of Yasodhara Ashram. In these lively and conversational essays, Swami Sivanananda Radha and Swami Radhananda describe their unique approaches to initiation from their own experience of being initiated and from initiating others. They emphasize that mantra initiation is one of the most important commitments to be made on the yogic path. The starting point is a sincere desire for liberation and in-depth personal investigation. Mantra Initiation also explores issues such as the guru-disciple relationship, preparing for initiation, and following through on the commitment. Chapters on finding your guru, choosing a mantra and what to expect after receiving an initiation are included, as well as questions and reflections to provide support on the journey to initiation and beyond.
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