BOOK Making Sense of the Old Testament: Three Crucial Questions by Tremper Longman III reading look spanish via book

BOOK Making Sense of the Old Testament: Three Crucial Questions by Tremper Longman III reading look spanish via book

BOOK Making Sense of the Old Testament: Three Crucial Questions by Tremper Longman III reading look spanish via book

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Book description
Longmans book is merely okay. The goal of the book is to answer three questions about Christian use of the Old Testament. What is the key to understanding the Old Testament? Why does God seem so different in the Old and New Testament? And finally, how is the Christian to apply the Old Testament to following Jesus? In answering these questions, Longman shows a deep knowledge of the Old Testament. I definitely learned from his exposition of Old Testament texts and themes. In the end though, I found Longmans answers to the questions incomplete at best and inadequate at worst. For example as to the question of understanding the Old Testament, Longman never makes mention of the doctrine of illumination. Certainly Longman didnt have to use that term. However, the idea of the Spirit granting understanding of the word is vitally important to the question at hand and the question cannot be answered without consideration of the Spirits role. As for the second question, I think Longman radically undersells the inherent difficulty of the question. Pointing out continuity between the Testaments does not alter the fact that God calls for utter annihilation of His enemies in the Old Testament while Jesus prays for their forgiveness in the new. Suggestions of continuity dont override this stark contrast. The contrast begs for explanation. Finally, it is hard to believe that Longman doesnt reference Acts 15 in his answer to the last question. Acts 15 is a place where the question of Old Testament application for New Testament living is explicitly discussed. In addition, Longman once again completely ignores the role of the Spirit in aiding community and individual applications of Old Testament principles. The Word lives today because of the Spirits work. He guides interpretation and application. Again, Longman has great Biblical insight. This book, however, would have been made stronger had Longman given consideration to the life of the Christian being the life of the Spirit. Bringing that fact to bear on his questions would have provided Longman with much stronger answers to his queries.
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