BOOK Loves Second Chance by Robert John Francis Sampron (Goodreads Author) access cheap download iphone amazon

BOOK Loves Second Chance by Robert John Francis Sampron (Goodreads Author) access cheap download iphone amazon

BOOK Loves Second Chance by Robert John Francis Sampron (Goodreads Author) access cheap download iphone amazon

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Book description
Loves Second Chance is an adult romance told from the unusual male perspective. The story is about a Denver-based professor brought back to his childhood home in the Los Angeles Basin because of bad health. He has returned to say what may be his last goodbye to long-time friends. As if by magic, he meets a woman he knew only in passing 30 years years ago. They share a secret. Each had a crush on the other back in high school days, a crush that, like so many, went unfulfilled. They soon learn that their feelings are as strong now as then. Given his health and the complications of living in the early 21st century, they face the most important question: In lifes comedy and drama, should they re-kindle the embers of Loves Second Chance?
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