BOOK Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog by I.M. Stead text pdf amazon online english

BOOK Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog by I.M. Stead text pdf amazon online english

BOOK Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog by I.M. Stead text pdf amazon online english

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Book description
Lindow Man presents an interesting puzzle -- what was the identity and life of a man whose remains, preserved for thousands of years, were discovered in a peat bog. The initial investigation, using forensic techniques made possible only by the extraordinary condition of the body, are intriguing. The amount the investigators are able to discover about this man are phenomenal. As the book goes on, however, the authors gradually divert from this initially logical investigation to make increasingly speculative claims. From the initial well-supported conclusion that this man was a cooperative sacrifice, and quite possibly a druid himself, we are drawn into a series of unsupported logical leaps worthy of a Dan Brown novel. Over the course of this book, Lindow Man becomes an Irish prince who arrives in Wales to protect from the invading Romans a hitherto-undiscovered gold trade route extending from Celtic Britain to the Silk Road. It may all be true, who am I to say it is not? Im no archeologist, so it may be that the chain of logic based on extraordinarily thin evidence is de rigeur for that discipline. Archeologists frequently have to travel far on little fuel, and perhaps such conclusions on the part of the author are warranted based on the evidence. However, I would have felt more secure in accepting their analysis if they had brought in additional contemporary supporting evidence from other scholars and archeologists. The lack of such sources makes me less likely to accept their assertions at face value.Be that as it may, whether it is a wild flight of speculation or grounded science, this book was an enjoyable read; and it certainly would be a perfect plot framework for an author with an eye to ancient historical fiction. Where is Morgan Llywelyn when you need her?
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