BOOK Leadership Coaching: The Disciplines, Skills, and Heart of a Christian Coach by Tony Stoltzfus (Goodreads Author) eng full no registration francais download

BOOK Leadership Coaching: The Disciplines, Skills, and Heart of a Christian Coach by Tony Stoltzfus (Goodreads Author) eng full no registration francais download

BOOK Leadership Coaching: The Disciplines, Skills, and Heart of a Christian Coach by Tony Stoltzfus (Goodreads Author) eng full

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Book description
Leadership Coaching is an essential tool for anyone who wants to learn to coach or improve their coaching skills. Written by a top Christian coach trainer, it is filled with real-life stories, practical tools and application exercises that bring coaching techniques to life. Part I is an in-depth look at how coaching fits with the purposes of God. Starting with key biblical concepts about how God builds leaders, this book goes beyond proof-texting to present an integrated, values-based paradigm for leadership coaching. Part II uses a hands-on, interactive approach to show you how to coach. Utilizing the seven key elements of effective coaching as a framework, each facet of the coaching relationship is explained in detail. Then follow-up Master Class sections help you internalize the key concepts and try them out in real life. Leadership coaching is a great introduction to a powerful way of helping others grow.
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