BOOK Lana and the Laird by Sabrina York (Goodreads Author) buy tom english download itunes

BOOK Lana and the Laird by Sabrina York (Goodreads Author) buy tom english download itunes

BOOK Lana and the Laird by Sabrina York (Goodreads Author) buy tom english download itunes

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Book description
LOVE IS A BATTLEFIELDLachlan Sinclair cannot escape his accursed heritage in his Highlands homeland. Somewhat resigned to the fate that destroyed his ancestors, he is prepared to live his life without an heir, without a wife―without love. But when he meets the woman of his dreams in the flesh, the bewitching lass makes him want to throw away his cursed, restrained existence…and unleash the highlander within…Lana Dounreay has only seen the Duke of Caithness in her dreams as a wild, rugged man, while in reality, his life has been cramped by curses and cravats. He may have forgone his kilt and lost his brogue, but Lana knows that the heart of a true Scotsman beats within his broad, muscular chest. But what plans does the mysterious, passionate Lachlan have in mind for her―and can she convince him that love is stronger than all else?Book 3 in the Untamed Highlanders Series!
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