BOOK Just As I Am by Virginia Smith (Goodreads Author) how read without registering shop txt free

BOOK Just As I Am by Virginia Smith (Goodreads Author) how read without registering shop txt free

BOOK Just As I Am by Virginia Smith (Goodreads Author) how read without registering shop txt free

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Book description
When purple-haired Mayla Strong struts down the center aisle of Salliesburg Independent Christian Church, the bug-eyed congregation strains to get a peek at her pierced nose and lip. But Pastor Paul welcomes her with a huge, infectious grin and baptizes her on the spot. Determined to make her Heavenly Father proud, Maylas sincere and often hilarious attempts to let Him change her from the inside out take her into some difficult places. Through it all she grows in faith and wisdom--sometimes through pain, sometimes through humor, but always in a way that is uniquely Mayla.
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