BOOK John OHaras Anthracite Region by Pamela C. MacArthur android library sale book ebay

BOOK John OHaras Anthracite Region by Pamela C. MacArthur android library sale book ebay

BOOK John OHaras Anthracite Region by Pamela C. MacArthur android library sale book ebay

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Book description
John Henry OHara, the American author from Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, was so engrossed by the coal-rich Anthracite Region that he wrote about it in his professional work and personal correspondence for most of his life. The history, geography, and society of the area, particularly within a thirty-mile radius of Pottsville, were put under a microscope throughout OHaras career. John OHaras Anthracite Region covers the exciting period from the 1880s to 1945 in the coal region of Pennsylvania. John Henry OHara investigated, studied, and recorded the most intimate aspects of the upper class of his Pennsylvania Protectorate from his first novel, Appointment in Samarra, onwards. From the Aristocrats escape to Eagles Mere, Sullivan County to the amusement parks such as Tumbling Run and Marlin Park in the Anthracite Region, OHara captured every detail of the upper classs way of life. The social enclaves such as The Out Door Club, The Pottsville Club, and The Schuylkill Country Club did not escape OHaras pen in such novels as Ten North Frederick and The Lockwood Concern. These places, the people, and their fashionable attire, automobiles, houses, and schools are all captured within this unique photographic layout of OHaras work that wonderfully re-creates the history of this region.
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