BOOK Jewish Spiritual Guidance: Finding Our Way to God by Carol Ochs epub kickass online francais how read

BOOK Jewish Spiritual Guidance: Finding Our Way to God by Carol Ochs epub kickass online francais how read

BOOK Jewish Spiritual Guidance: Finding Our Way to God by Carol Ochs epub kickass online francais how read

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Book description
This sensitively written book explains the process of spiritual guidance, encourages us to seek it out, and helps prepare those who feel called to become spiritual guides. Drawing from their personal and professional experience, as well as a rich array of traditional Jewish sources, the authors explore what Judaism has to say about the spiritual journey and the ways in which spiritual guidance can help us open more fully to Gods presence in our lives. Jewish Spiritual Guidance draws deeply from a wellspring of traditional sources, including the Torah; rabbinical texts such as the Mishnah, Talmud, midrash, codes, and medieval ethical, mystical, and legal works; Hasidic tales and teachings; and contemporary wisdom of such great thinkers as Martin Buber and Mordecai Kaplan.
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