BOOK Jendela Orpheus Vol. 10 by Riyoko Ikeda link online francais access book

BOOK Jendela Orpheus Vol. 10 by Riyoko Ikeda link online francais access book

BOOK Jendela Orpheus Vol. 10 by Riyoko Ikeda link online francais access book

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Book description
Ikeda has written and illustrated many shōjo manga, many of which are based on historical events, such as the French Revolution or the Russian Revolution.Her most famous manga is The Rose of Versailles (ベルサイユのばら, Berusaiyu no bara) also known as Lady Oscar in Europe. This manga, loosely based on the French Revolution, has been made into several Takarazuka musicals and into an anime series and a live-action film. Her recent manga includes Der Ring des Nibelungen. It is a manga version of the opera written by Richard Wagner.(This biography copied and pasted from Wikipedia on June 19, 2009.)One of the 24-gumi, a group of female artists that pioneered the shoujo genre. She was one of the most popular Japanese comic-artists in the 1970s, being best known for The Rose of Versailles, but gave up drawing manga to pursue a musical career. She qualified in singing at the Music Academy and embarked on a new and successful career as soprano, releasing two albums and taking part in a number of international tours. She made a comeback to the comic-industry as a scenarist in 1999. Her use of foreign settings and androgynous themes made Rose of Versailles and Mado no Orpheus enormous successes.In 2009 she received Frances Ordre national de la Légion dhonneur.
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