BOOK Jean Paul Marat a Study in Radicalism by Louis R. Gottschalk phone direct link ios italian online

BOOK Jean Paul Marat a Study in Radicalism by Louis R. Gottschalk phone direct link ios italian online

BOOK Jean Paul Marat a Study in Radicalism by Louis R. Gottschalk phone direct link ios italian online

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Book description
Good, unbiased biography of a controversial figure of the French Revolution. Gottschalk tries to show both sides of the Friend of the People and dispel some of the wackier rumors. A good analysis of the reasons for Marats popularity: it was not his political ideas (which werent so great), but his ceaseless, venomous attacks on corruption (in his daily journal & in the Convention: “Whenever he spoke, it was to incriminate someone or denounce something.”), ceaseless predictions of counter-revolutionary plots (many of which came true), and his dedication to & suffering for the cause of the Revolution that made him a hero of the people (for a time, at least). “Learn that my reputation with the people rests, not upon my ideas, but upon my boldness, upon the impetuous outbursts of my soul, upon my cries of rage, of despair, and of fury against the rascals who impede the action of the Revolution. I am the anger, the just anger, of the people and that is why they listen to me and believe in me.” Marats power was his tireless, eloquent expression of righteous anger in defense of the people whose anger powered the Revolution. He rose in fame on the swelling tide of that anger; in the end, he would be destroyed by a single wave.
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