BOOK Janette Oke: A Heart for the Prairie by Laurel Oke Logan view spanish free francais itunes

BOOK Janette Oke: A Heart for the Prairie by Laurel Oke Logan view spanish free francais itunes

BOOK Janette Oke: A Heart for the Prairie by Laurel Oke Logan view spanish free francais itunes

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Book description
Janette Oke: A Heart for the Prairie, by Laurel Oke Logan, tells the story of the life of Janette Steeves Oke, a beloved novelist. Laurel Oke Logan has the advantage of telling this story because she is, in fact, the daughter of Janette Oke. Having this advantage, she told us many personal stories which were both funny and serious. Those are the reasons that I enjoyed this wonderful book so much. Starting off with Janette’s childhood, the first few chapters tell of the difficulties that Janette had to go through. As a newborn, she was not very strong and struggled to live. As the years passed, she grew better and stronger. In 1938, the Steeves family moved up north and on their way up, the children were amazed at the mud because, before then, their prairie life had been dry, not wet. Many years passed and Janette grew up to be a young woman. Her childhood days were over and it was time for her to become a college girl. She was accepted to Mountain View Bible College in Didsbury, Alberta. Each student was assigned a task each day at the college. She was often assigned to clean the front hall, offices, and the chapel. One day, another fellow male student, came up to help here, even though he was not assigned. Janette was indeed puzzled but what she didn’t know was that her fellow helper was going to be, in years to come, husband, Edward Oke. As a matter of fact, special meetings were held at the local church and the students were expected to attend. The Dean of Women told all Freshmans that they were not allowed to date. But it didn’t take long for Janette to realize that the students were pairing off as ‘couples’. Though, only she and Edward were unmatched. She was once again puzzled but she just fell in step with him. By the time, the semester had ended, she and Edward were officially dating. Not surprisingly, Janette and Edward married in 1957 in May. She and Edward moved away from their family for Edward’s job. After a miscarriage or two, their first child was born, Terry. Soon, the twins Lorne and Lavon were born and then their first girl, Laurel. Even as a young girl, Janette loved writing and putting words together. She even promised herself that she would not write for publication. But, one day, she started the story, Love Comes Softly, her first novel. She soon decided to try to get it published. It was rejected many times but, after a while, a publishing company accepted it. Once Love Comes Softly was published, the company decided that they wanted a sequel. That sequel was Love’s Enduring Promise. As the years passed, she wrote more and more. And because of that, she became the most beloved author of our time.
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