BOOK Its a Guy Thing! by Cindi Myers online library ebook bookstore tablet

BOOK Its a Guy Thing! by Cindi Myers online library ebook bookstore tablet

BOOK Its a Guy Thing! by Cindi Myers online library ebook bookstore tablet

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Book description
THE WRONG SUITE...When Cassie Carmichael planned a night of seduction, all she wanted was to put some life into a dull relationship. Instead, she finds herself unexpectedly between the sheets with the man shes dreamed about -- Guy Walters. One night with this guy is more than she could ask for, and shell have the hot memories long afterward. But hes not walking away!BUT THE RIGHT GUY!Opening the door to Cassie that night sparks Guys fantasies and results in the wildest romp hes ever had. He has a thing for her...and now that he knows she has a thing for him, hes going to show her that his bed is always the right bed.
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