BOOK Irreversible by Liz Maverick read fb2 on ipad

BOOK Irreversible by Liz Maverick read fb2 on ipad

BOOK Irreversible by Liz Maverick read fb2 on ipad

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Book description
Reviewed for; book release Oct08“Irreversible” is a new book by Liz Maverick released under Dorchester Publishing’s new SHOMI line. SHOMI is “an imaginative, new line of edgy, speculative [romantic] fiction destined to break all the rules”. Fans of the Matrix and far out romantic scifi will be thrilled with this new line. I enjoyed the read, even when it was a little too technical for me.Kitty is stuck, literally, in a time loop. She’s being used as a guinea pig by an unscrupulous genius. The biggest problem is that she doesn’t even realize that she’s living the same week, the most ‘perfect’ week of her life, over and over and over again. Luckily for her, she does have some very good friends who are ‘time wire’ experts. When their efforts to free her are unsuccessful, they call in a time anomaly expert, Q, to assist.Q just doesn’t play well with others in a one-on-one situation. He has abandonment issues and knows it, but no one is more aware than him that people can be taken away in a nanosecond of time—never to return. When normal rescue methods prove futile, Q realizes that he will have to insert himself into Kitty’s present time and circle in order to save her. And the more time he spends with her, the more he realizes that saving Kitty will be the most important thing he ever does as it will save him from a life lived alone.I consider myself a fairly ‘geeky’ type. I’m not a rocket scientist, but I do enjoy new technology toys. So let me just say that if you are a science- or technophobe, you will probably not enjoy this book. It’s weighted very heavily toward the science in science fiction and the romance and sex portion is a much lighter piece of the plot. Having said all that, I still enjoyed reading it. There were a few times when I got confused by all the ‘time wire’ talk and it became apparent to me that my knowledge of the time-space continuum will need updating if I want to keep reading SHOMI books!It’s easy to see that this line is likely geared toward a younger audience who grew up with technology and science. That doesn’t mean the older crowd can’t enjoy it, it would just be less likely. In many ways, this type of writing is very much a breath of fresh air (or maybe a burst of compressed air?) in that it’s still in its infancy. So for all you closet geeks out there, give a SHOMI book a try and see if you like it. I’m a fan of Liz Maverick’s writing and I do believe that was a large part of why I liked “Irreversible”. The only thing I’d like to see change is the emphasis on the romance, but that’s just me!
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