BOOK In China With Green Day by Aaron Cometbus iBooks portable prewiew online offline

BOOK In China With Green Day by Aaron Cometbus iBooks portable prewiew online offline

BOOK In China With Green Day by Aaron Cometbus iBooks portable prewiew online offline

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I picked up my first Cometbus a million years ago in Seattle. It was great! I greedily devoured it and laughed my ass off. It made me want to travel the country in a Greyhound like Aaron. I have been buying Cometbus ever since whenever I can find it. I was a little worried about this issue because I am not a Green Day fan at all. I dont think theyre any good and very overrated. In short, they suck and thats putting it mildly. But Aaron was able to make Green Day interesting in a way that only he can do. Any other writer wouldve made me puke at all the hero worship/dick sucking that goes on with some writers. They come out looking like humans, as does Aaron, and the adventures of the tour make for an absorbing read. Read this if youre a fan of Cometbus. If youre a fan of Green Day smash yourself in the head with a hammer.
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