BOOK Im Flying, Jack...I Mean, Roger: A FoxTrot Collection by Bill Amend epub ibooks

BOOK Im Flying, Jack...I Mean, Roger: A FoxTrot Collection by Bill Amend epub ibooks

BOOK Im Flying, Jack...I Mean, Roger: A FoxTrot Collection by Bill Amend epub ibooks

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Everyone can relate to having a family member with an unusual hobby or habit. The Fox clan is no different. The youngest Fox is Jason, whose best friend is an iguana named Quincy. His sister, Paige, is a shopaholic. The oldest Fox sibling is Peter, whose stomach is a bottomless pit. But perhaps the most unusual of all is level-headed mom and official family mediator, Andy, who is working through her obsession with the movie Titanic. A slave to her emotions, she is brought to tears at a mere hint of the soundtrack and attends multiple movie screenings each day. This leaves well-meaning husband, Roger, struggling to live up to her new romantic expectations. All of this is par for the course in the hilarious but hectic Fox household.What makes the Fox clan so entertaining? Theyre just like us-only funnier-with no sappy sentimentality. Readers cant help but recognize a little bit of themselves in this family strip with its good-hearted, if not eccentric, characters. The Foxes deal with everything from sibling rivalry to marital disagreements over golfing habits to sharing time on the computer, always making us laugh in the process. FoxTrot has amassed a colossal audience of fans of all ages who eagerly turn to this hilarious strip each day, whether in newspapers or on the Web. New fans and loyal readers alike will enjoy Im Flying, Jack . . . I Mean, Roger, the latest FoxTrot collection. Together, the Fox family provides a witty window on the realities of home life today.
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