BOOK If Youre Happy & You Know It by Daniel Howarth (Goodreads Author) (illustrator) download pdf

BOOK If Youre Happy & You Know It by Daniel Howarth (Goodreads Author) (illustrator) download pdf

BOOK If Youre Happy & You Know It by Daniel Howarth (Goodreads Author) (illustrator) download pdf

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Book description
Daniel Howarth started drawing from a very early age and went on to study Art at college and then university. He graduated with a degree in Illustration in 1994 and started creating his own range of greetings cards with his wife and fellow childrens author, Heidi Howarth, whom he met at university. Daniel works from his studio in Exeter and enjoys the wealth of inspiration and imagination that comes from living deep in the Devon countryside with his wife and two children.- excerpted from Little Tiger PressYou can find him at Etsy and on Facebook.
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