BOOK How to Get a Great Job: A Library How-To Handbook by American Library Association (Editor) iBooks look doc online ebay

BOOK How to Get a Great Job: A Library How-To Handbook by American Library Association (Editor) iBooks look doc online ebay

BOOK How to Get a Great Job: A Library How-To Handbook by American Library Association (Editor) iBooks look doc online ebay

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Book description
In our difficult time, or at any time, knowing how to find a great job is a necessary skill. All the resources you need for a successful job search are at your fingertips—and completely free—at your public library. It can be a daunting task, so here is expert advice on how to conduct proper research, build networks of friends and colleagues, put together a great resume, research industries that are constantly changing, prepare for an interview, negotiate a contract or a salary, and more. This could be the turbo-boost your job search needs.
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