BOOK Held at a Distance: My Rediscovery of Ethiopia by Rebecca G. Haile apple portable book pocket writer

BOOK Held at a Distance: My Rediscovery of Ethiopia by Rebecca G. Haile apple portable book pocket writer

BOOK Held at a Distance: My Rediscovery of Ethiopia by Rebecca G. Haile apple portable book pocket writer

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Book description
This powerful book gives readers a chance to experience Ethiopia through the personal experience of a writer who is both Ethiopian and American. It takes readers beyond headlines and stereotypes to a deeper understanding of the country. This is an absorbing account of the author’s return trip to Ethiopia as an adult, having left the country in exile with her family at age 11. She profiles relatives and friends who have remained in Ethiopia, and she writes movingly about Ethiopia’s recent past and its ancient history. She offers a clear-eyed analysis of the state of the country today, and her keen observations and personal experience will resonate with readers. This is a unique glimpse into a fascinating African country by a talented writer.
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