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BOOK Finding Water: The Art of Perseverance by Julia Cameron offline get purchase mobile online

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Back when The Artists Way first came out, I read it and I was into it. It inspired me. The format suited me. Anything where you are asked to make a list is for me. I love my lists! So recently I saw this on the shelf at the library and decided to read it. It was the beginning of a new year and seemed like a good time to read something like this, to ignite my creativity and feel motivated. To be fair, I skipped the second book in the series since it didnt happen to be on the shelf at the library. I also didnt take it week-by-week and do all the assignments like a good girl. Given that, I did not enjoy this even half as much as the first book in the trilogy. It is basically the same as the first one: Artists Dates, Morning Pages... I got it. Im not saying its bad advice. Its just not new advice. And the tone was different, more depressing. I guess thats because it wasnt about how to get started but more about how to keep going. Even though I do not consider myself a critic, there were some things that bugged me. Here are my complaints:-This really felt like it was more about being a recovering alcoholic than anything else. She admits that she is in AA and openly applies the 12 steps to getting past creative blocks. I can see how this might be useful and Im glad the program works for her. I just didnt relate to that aspect. I have a friend on Facebook who is a recovering alcoholic. He posts hundreds of inspirational quotations, mostly Christian-based about perseverance and positive attitude. There are pictures of sunsets on the beach or ballerinas along with the affirmations. I am tempted to block him. THIS is how I saw this book, down to the distracting quotations in the margins.-There was too much God talk for my taste. Maybe this is an addendum to my first gripe.-She talks about her dogs a lot. I dont care about her dogs.-She uses the word husband as a verb a LOT - over and over! I almost wanted to keep score.Speaking of husbands, she used to be married to Martin Scorcese. This fact is irrelevant except that it leads me to assume shes not exactly poor. That, and she describes her apartment on Central Park. It also doesnt really matter if she is rich or poor except that... poor people (creative or not) do not have the luxury of dwelling on stuff like this. And when I look at it like that, it sort of makes me think that her (totally valid, understandable) struggles are sort of made-up. This is starting to sound mean and unfair and I dont want it to. Its all relative. Im no better. I appreciate that she is continually trying to improve herself and that she is sharing her struggles and successes with others. One more thing... She talks a lot about how the art comes through her rather than from her. Shes not alone. This is a common way of describing the artistic process - as if you are merely a conduit through which the ideas flow. You just have to listen and execute. This is not my experience. I wish it were. It sounds cool. When I am creating something, I do get into the zone (thats what I call it) but I dont feel like it is separate from me. Maybe Im not there yet or never will be. The only time I did feel the way she describes is when I was pregnant. I was creating something but I was simply the vessel through which something larger worked. While the results were awesome, I didnt particularly enjoy that process. Im too much of a control freak.
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