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This was Scottolines second book. I found it to be a boring no depth legal thriller with not much legal or thriller involved. Im glad she has matured as a writer, and I have enjoyed her later books. That said, this one is about Philadelphia lawyer, Grace Rossi, who finds a part-time job with the federal appeals court after a divorce. She is assigned a high profile death penalty case (which is a background sub-plot that is not developed) by her boss. They become romantically involved one late night while working, and the next morning Grace finds out he committed suicide after they parted. Because of their night spent together, Grace suspects murder instead and proceeds to investigate which leads to lots of suspects and attempts on her life. My favorite characters were Shake and Bake, a homeless man; and Bernice, the dog - Scottoline is always tongue-in-cheek humorous. One highlight of the book for me was that her divorce and single mother-hood do not play a prominent role - no cliches.
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