BOOK Family Solutions for Substance Abuse: Clinical and Counseling Approaches by Eric E. McCollum book ios full version full pdf

BOOK Family Solutions for Substance Abuse: Clinical and Counseling Approaches by Eric E. McCollum book ios full version full pdf

BOOK Family Solutions for Substance Abuse: Clinical and Counseling Approaches by Eric E. McCollum book ios full version full pdf

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Book description
Use goal-oriented techniques for successful family therapy with substance abusers!Family therapy is an essential core competency for substance-abuse counselors, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Family Solutions for Substance Abuse: Clinical and Counseling Approaches delivers the information and techniques you need to effectively treat addicts and their families. By understanding and changing the dynamics of the family system, you will be better able to guide your clients to adopt strategies and behaviors that sustain recovery and maintain healthy relationships.Family Solutions for Substance Abuse provides clear models of diagnosis and intervention for families, whether that means couples, teenagers and their parents, or Mom, Dad, and the kids. The theoretical background on family systems will help you understand the context of the clients addiction and the way it affects and is affected by other family members. Numerous case studies and figures bring the expert advice and theory into the practical realm so you can choose the best strategies for helping the shattered family heal.Family Solutions for Substance Abuse will teach you useful therapeutic skills and strategies, including:understanding interdependencejoining with different family membersnegotiating goals and contractsdealing with family violenceassessing motivationhandling relapsesending treatmentTreating addictions is notoriously difficult for even the most skilled therapist working with the most motivated client. Using the techniques in Family Solutions for Substance Abuse offers you and your clients a better chance at success, because addicts whose families share their treatment are much more likely to stay in counseling and remain clean and sober.
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