BOOK Facebook Marketing: Profitable Facebook Advertising Campaigns by John Tighe phone free kindle information audio

BOOK Facebook Marketing: Profitable Facebook Advertising Campaigns by John Tighe phone free kindle information audio

BOOK Facebook Marketing: Profitable Facebook Advertising Campaigns by John Tighe phone free kindle information audio

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Book description
Facebook Marketing How do you generate $20,000 in sales from a $1,600 ad spend? How do you reach thousands of highly targeted prospects through Facebook? How do you rapidly grow your business and profits with highly effective Facebook ads? In this short book well be covering all this and lots more. It’s based on an interview I did with Facebook Marketing expert, coach and consultant Val Shoopman. Val helps her clients build 6 and 7 figure businesses and generates some crazy ROI [Return on Investment] numbers from their Facebook advertising. The power of advertising on Facebook to launch or grow your business is truly incredible. And the great thing is you don’t need a huge ad budget. You can start small and then scale what works. And with Val’s advice on best practices for setting up your campaigns you’ll be way ahead of your competitors! I loved doing this interview because it really brought home to me the power of Facebook Marketing to bring in brand new customers and big profits quickly!
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