BOOK Eye of the Storm by V.C. Andrews book epub online

BOOK Eye of the Storm by V.C. Andrews book epub online

BOOK Eye of the Storm by V.C. Andrews book epub online

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Book description
In the wake of a terrible loss, Rain is left alone to bear the Hudson family secrets — as dark and forbidding as storm clouds on the horizon... After the death of her beloved Grandmother Hudson, Rain found herself caught in a battle for the vast Hudson family wealth. Marked to inherit millions, Rain faced the fury of her unaccepting mother, her manipulative stepfather, and her cold, vicious Aunt Victoria. But no amount of money can keep Rains world from crashing down when sudden tragedy strikes. Left helpless after a devastating blow, Rain sinks into despair as her precious dreams are washed away - dreams that cannot be bought with the Hudson fortune. Her only hope for rebuilding her life rests in trusting a stranger who has come into her world — a man whose generosity and kindness does not appear to come with strings attached, much to Rains amazement. But just as she opens her heart to a promising new future, her past comes back to haunt her — and Rain is pulled into a furious whirlpool of bitterness and heartache.
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