BOOK Exiles, Volume 3: Out of Time by Judd Winick (Text) txt german pc download review

BOOK Exiles, Volume 3: Out of Time by Judd Winick (Text) txt german pc download review

BOOK Exiles, Volume 3: Out of Time by Judd Winick (Text) txt german pc download review

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Its been so long since Ive read a graphic novel. I have a bunch of the Exiles that I bought cheap (way too cheap, trust me, the store didnt know the value of what they were selling.) Win for me. It still took me a ridiculously long time to start reading these. I wish I could have started with the first, but while I got lucky enough to get most of the series, they didnt have all of them.It was easy enough to jump into the story. A group of superheroes were yanked out of their happy world where they actually mattered, and are forced to band together, obey rules and be sent to different worlds to perform a task, and then be zapped back again. If they continue to perform these tasks, one day they will be free to return to their own world, families, and loves.Each story is good. The ending showdown is with the big baddie Mojo, who is just weird and gross. Nocturnes life is depressing with flashbacks and events. You get into the head more with Mimic and I find him perhaps my favorite character so far. Meeting WeaponX in a showdown story was also cool - another world hopping team forced together, including Spiderman. The humor is fabulously adult. Theres a few instances of bleeped profanities, pornography discussion, and a male member whining about not getting some despite most of the team being female. Plenty of action takes place and each story stands out individualized.
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