BOOK Excalibur, Volume 1: Forging the Sword by Chris Claremont (Writer) iphone prewiew how to download macbook

BOOK Excalibur, Volume 1: Forging the Sword by Chris Claremont (Writer) iphone prewiew how to download macbook

BOOK Excalibur, Volume 1: Forging the Sword by Chris Claremont (Writer) iphone prewiew how to download macbook

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Book description
Art: Aaron Loprestis art is really pretty, especially the female characters - the pictures are sexy without being lewd and all of them are distinct, not carbon copies of each other. 5 stars. Story: I was so happy to find a story about Charles and Erik! As much as I like Wolverine, Cyclops or Jean Grey, I dont have to have every X-Men book about them, really, it gets tiresome. And Charles and Erik, their differences and friendship, are so interesting! Its too sad that more comic books dont focus on them. It was interesting to see Charles so disillusioned with humans which brought him closer to Erik. I also loved Eriks admittance that, even after everything that happened, Charles was still his friend. Also: There are some very funny parts! 4 stars.
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