BOOK ElfQuest 2: The Forbidden Grove by Wendy Pini (Illustrator) ipad download sale without signing offline

BOOK ElfQuest 2: The Forbidden Grove by Wendy Pini (Illustrator) ipad download sale without signing offline

BOOK ElfQuest 2: The Forbidden Grove by Wendy Pini (Illustrator) ipad download sale without signing offline

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Book description
This is the second of the bound volumes of Elfquest. It picks up several years down the road with Leetah and Cutter’s twins, the very much wolfrider girl, Ember, and her magic-possessing, intellectual brother, Suntop. After centuries of peaceful living in the desert, the elves’ calm is ruined by humans finding Sorrow’s End. While they are turned away by Cutter and company, they also give the elves something to think about: there could be more human tribes and elfish ones as well out there.Cutter and Skywise go in search of them. Leetah stays home, not wanting to deprive her village of her magic. The friends first go back to the Trolls and learn of other troll tribes and the damage they’ve done. The holt is still nothing but burnt out emptiness (showing a lack of research. By five years there would be some recovery but okay whatever). As they travel on, Cutter gets a septic squirrel bite and while Skywise is off looking for herbal medicine, an outcast human woman and her husband take care of him. Much to Cutter and Skywise’s utter shock, the humans are kindly and she is from a tribe who worshiped bird riding elves, the ‘bird spirits,’ while her husband’s people did not and they cast them out because of her. Skywise is far more wary but Cutter is willing to let his prejudice go and helps her and her husband go back to his people because he wants to know more about the bird spirits. He’s been traveling almost four months and this is the best lead he’s had.In the meantime, Savah has astral projected herself right into danger and can’t get back to her body. She does get a message to Suntop and he needs to get it to his father. Leetah and the Wolfriders go in search of Cutter. This is where you just take the leap of faith that Leetah catches right up to them. It’s like was Cutter going in circles? Also this reminded me of why I disliked Strongbow and Moonshade. He’s a jerk and she’s got no personality outside of him.Unfortunately for Cutter, his people were taken prisoner by big birds and to Suntop’s horror his father is going right to the place that Savah sent him to stop Cutter from going to in the first place. It’s a vicious circle.I still enjoy it even after all these years (I first read this nearly 30 years ago). The art is just beautiful. The storyline is good. I see things now that I was too young to see them, like how prejudice and xenophobia destroy everything and everyone around them. I would have gotten very bored with EQ even back then if it was always ‘oooo, evil humans.’ (in fact I dropped out of many a holt back in the day since that’s the only story lines the editors would approve). The one negative is the inclusion of the original color covers. They are extremely poorly done. They look like they were copied on 80’s copier and shoved in.
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