BOOK Dry Spring: The Coming Water Crisis of North America by Chris Wood eng txt store book library

BOOK Dry Spring: The Coming Water Crisis of North America by Chris Wood eng txt store book library

BOOK Dry Spring: The Coming Water Crisis of North America by Chris Wood eng txt store book library

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Book description
Between global warming and ever-increasing consumption, the world is fast running out of water. And while waters scarcity will challenge the success of North America’s fastest-growing regions, other areas of the continent will experience dramatic flooding. Dry Spring looks at how the coming water crisis will devastate communities unless urgent action is taken. In many areas, the damage has already begun. Author Chris Wood relates compelling stories of people all over the continent coping with new conditions: Okanagan orchardists facing an uncertain future; a Mexican fisherman on the now-dry Colorado River Delta, which has been reduced to desert because of upstream usage by the American West; a Las Vegas water cop who monitors excessive lawn watering; a New Brunswick couple fleeing their coastal house because of the encroaching ocean; and more. Wood also shows how practical solutions like xeriscaping, water “recycling,” and run-off containment can preserve water for future generations.
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