BOOK Deception by Sian Ann Bessey (Goodreads Author) pdf ibooks ipad

BOOK Deception by Sian Ann Bessey (Goodreads Author) pdf ibooks ipad

BOOK Deception by Sian Ann Bessey (Goodreads Author) pdf ibooks ipad

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Book description
It was okay. Basically it was a tourists guide to New Zealand with a background mystery / romance story. The writing was sound, but I was not addicted to the book and ended up skipping the details about the setting... She had to turn the key in the door, and She used an adapter to blowdry her wet hair. Could note taking on a New Zealand trip by the author be anymore obvious?! So annoying. If you do not mind a play by play stay in a foreign country...then it will not bother you. Personally, I just wanted to read the mystery / romance story.
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