BOOK Darwin and the General Reader: The Reception of Darwins Theory of Evolution in the British Periodical Press, 1859-1872 by Alvar Ellegard reader original djvu via free

BOOK Darwin and the General Reader: The Reception of Darwins Theory of Evolution in the British Periodical Press, 1859-1872 by Alvar Ellegard reader original djvu via free

BOOK Darwin and the General Reader: The Reception of Darwins Theory of Evolution in the British Periodical Press, 1859-1872 by Alvar

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Book description

Book description
Drawing on his investigation of over one hundred mid-Victorian British newspapers and periodicals, Alvar Ellegård describes and analyzes the impact of Darwins theory of evolution during the first dozen years after the publication of the Origin of Species. Although Darwins book caused an immediate stir in literary and scientific periodicals, the popular press largely ignored it. Only after the works implications for theology and the nature of man became evident did general publications feel compelled to react; each social group responded according to his own political and religious prejudices. Ellegård charts the impact of this revolution in science, maintaining that although the idea of evolution was generally accepted, Darwins primary contribution, the theory of natural selection, was either ignored or rejected among the public.
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