BOOK D.C. Noir by George Pelecanos (Editor, Contributor) read store amazon sale mobile

BOOK D.C. Noir by George Pelecanos (Editor, Contributor) read store amazon sale mobile

BOOK D.C. Noir by George Pelecanos (Editor, Contributor) read store amazon sale mobile

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Brand new stories by: George Pelecanos, James Grady, Kenji Jasper, Jim Beane, Jabari Asim, Ruben Castaneda, James Patton, Norman Kelley, Jennifer Howard, Richard Currey, Lester Irby, and others.Mystery sensation Pelecanos pens the lead story and edits this groundbreaking collection of stories detailing the seedy underside of the nations capital. This is not an anthology of ill-conceived and inauthentic political thrillers. Instead, in D.C. Noir, pimps, whores, gangsters, and con-men run rampant in zones of this city that most never hear about.From the Chevy Chase housewife who commits a shocking act to the watchful bum protecting Georgetown street vendors, the tome offers a startling glimpse into the cityscapes darkest corners...Fans of the [noir] genre will find solid writing, palpable tension and surprise endings.—Washington PostEvery story in this all-original noir anthology set in the nations capital is well-written.—Publishers WeeklyImbued with countless collective years of local experience.—Washington City Paper[Pelecanos] has assembled a compelling mix of ex-convicts, retired police officers, former crime beat reporters and a few writing pros willing to turn their storytelling eye, whether jaundiced or tender, inward toward the neighborhood...Local haunts and hangouts are lovingly drawn.—Washington TimesPick up a copy of the book D.C. Noir...and prepare to be transported to a different D.C. that the tourists see...Pure Washingtonian.—WashingtonianThose looking for redemption in humanity would do well to look elsewhere, but this set of gritty urban tales, written with all the requisite touches of shadow and fog of the noir masters, is a rare cut for crime aficionados and should pique the interest of anyone who calls the Dark City home.—Examiner Washington
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