BOOK Cybertooth - Promo by Zak Hennessey (Goodreads Author) original read via flibusta reading

BOOK Cybertooth - Promo by Zak Hennessey (Goodreads Author) original read via flibusta reading

BOOK Cybertooth - Promo by Zak Hennessey (Goodreads Author) original read via flibusta reading

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Book description
It is a dark world, decades in the future, where the gap between rich and poor has reached extremes, and technology equals power. Massive corporations war with each other to gain advantage, and have become so all-powerful that they have risen above the laws of countries, achieving a position that places them beyond the reach of anyone or any thing that might try to challenge their dominance.The strongest corporations operate their own military forces, answerable only to their respective Boards of Directors. The unspoken rule of law among these Corporations is that everything is up for grabs if youпїЅre strong enough to take it. Not so with the people scraping for survival in the dirty streets below, where crime of any kind is immediately punishable with the most severe of penalties. That is, if youпїЅre caught. So long as it doesnпїЅt cause a loss to the bottom line, the Corporations could care less what the animals do to each other. And thus, as the poor fight for scraps in the sunless streets below, the wealthy sit among the clouds in their gleaming towers, caring only for increasing their power and influence.But though they reach ever toward the heavens, in their bright and beautiful palaces, their empires are built upon decaying foundations which groan under the ever increasing weight of inequity. And all it takes is one spark to set off a conflagration that will bring it all tumbling to the ground.That spark is Cybertooth.
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