BOOK Cybernetical Physics: From Control of Chaos to Quantum Control by Alexander L. Fradkov full reader read tom author

BOOK Cybernetical Physics: From Control of Chaos to Quantum Control by Alexander L. Fradkov full reader read tom author

BOOK Cybernetical Physics: From Control of Chaos to Quantum Control by Alexander L. Fradkov full reader read tom author

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Book description
In this book a number of ideas and results related to the ?eld of cybern- ical physics the scienti?c area aimed at the study of physical systems by cybernetical means are presented. Although some publications in physical journals related to control problems appeared long ago, formation of a se- rateself-sustainedareastartedaslateasinthe1990sduetotheexplosion-like developmentofresearchincontrolofchaos, quantumcontrol, andotherareas. The number of publications has reached several thousands by the end of the century and it continues to grow very rapidly. This book is, perhaps, the ?rst attempt to present a uni?ed exposition of the subject and methodology of cybernetical physics as well as solutions to some of its problems. A part of this book presents the limits of system transformation by means of control both for conservative and for dissipative systems based on Hamiltonian description of system dynamics. A survey of various control applications in physics is given: control of chaos, controlled synchronization, control of spatiotemporal systems, control ofmolecularandquantumsystems.Anapproachforbuildingmodelsofsystem dynamics based on control methods is discussed. The presented methods and results are illustrated by examples of new approaches to classical problems: Stephenson Kapitsa pendulum, escape from a potential well, synchronization of coupled oscillators, control of chemical reaction with phase transition, c- trolled dissociation of molecules, controlled oscillations of complex crystalline lattices. Controlled pendulums appear in many parts of the book since p- dulum models can be thought of as the atoms of nonlinear physics .
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