BOOK Claimed by Georgette St. Clair download epub without registering fb2 free

BOOK Claimed by Georgette St. Clair download epub without registering fb2 free

BOOK Claimed by Georgette St. Clair download epub without registering fb2 free

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Book description
Amelia Baxter’s got one simple assignment: she is to sneak through the Breach into the universe where werewolves exist and observe, document, and report back. But when the sassy-mouthed, chubby college professor discovers that she’s crossed over right in the middle of the annual Alpha Claiming Festival, she’s fascinated. And when two handsome Alpha brothers beg her to spend the weekend with them in their Mating Cabin, she can’t say no. Of course, it’s all for research, right? After all, no human from her world has ever had this opportunity to get this close and personal with werewolves before! Unfortunately, leaving behind two deliciously sexy Alphas who have locked their sights on her as their Forever Mate isn’t as easy as she thought it would be…and when she crosses back over to her world, she walks straight into a nightmare of betrayal and deadly threats to all she loves most. Will her Alphas get to her in time, or will secrets from another world prove to be even more deadly than those who seek to betray her?
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