BOOK Chronicles of the Cursed Sword, Volume 5 by Yeo Beop-Ryong value pdf full mp3 book

BOOK Chronicles of the Cursed Sword, Volume 5 by Yeo Beop-Ryong value pdf full mp3 book

BOOK Chronicles of the Cursed Sword, Volume 5 by Yeo Beop-Ryong value pdf full mp3 book

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Book description
In the Era of the Warring States, Emperor Moosunje has gotten his hands on a powerful sword, known as the PaChun. The PaChun absorbs the blood of humans and gives its wielder amazing power rival only to the power of its counterpart - the PaSa, which gains its power from absorbing the souls of demons....Is it possible that Rey Yan and the PaSa sword could allow the Demon Emperor to take over both the Demon Realm and the Mortal Realm? The Sorceress of the Underworld believes that Rey could be the only one who capable of preventing this, and destroying the Demon Emperor once and for all.But as she investigates Rey and his destiny, the evil sorcerer Shiyan advances his plot to takeover the Kingdom of Hahyun with help from the Demon Realm. To do so he must find a new swordsman to weild the other cursed blade - the evil PaChun sword....Reviewing this book after re-reading it since joining GoodReads.
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