BOOK Children of the Moon: Discover Your Childs Personality Through Chinese Horoscopes by Theodora Lau text mp3 price free apple

BOOK Children of the Moon: Discover Your Childs Personality Through Chinese Horoscopes by Theodora Lau text mp3 price free apple

BOOK Children of the Moon: Discover Your Childs Personality Through Chinese Horoscopes by Theodora Lau text mp3 price free apple

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Book description

Book description
Parents -- find out your childs personality ... before it even develops! The only book available on Chinese horoscopes for parents and parents-to-be, Children of the Moon gives profiles of children based on their birth time, month, and year.This book explains for the first time ever how birth order, according to Chinese horoscopes, affects a childs outlook on life. With Children of the Moon, discover the animal sign and personality of your child: The Rat: A leader and self-starter The OX: Dedicated and hardworking The Tiger: Charismatic and courageous The Rabbit: Peace loving and intelligent The Dragon: Dynamic and optimistic The Snake: Wise and confident The Horse: Perceptive and independent The Sheep: Artistic and graceful The Monkey: Brilliant and curious The Rooster: Efficient and ambitious The Dog: Loyal and Just The Boar: Affectionate and generous Entertaining and enlightening for children as well as parents, Children of the Moon also includes a special story dedicated to each sign at the end of each chapter.
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