BOOK Chicken Soup for the Working Womans Soul: Humorous and Inspirational Stories to Celebrate the Many Roles of Working Women by Jack Canfield offline get purchase mobile online

BOOK Chicken Soup for the Working Womans Soul: Humorous and Inspirational Stories to Celebrate the Many Roles of Working Women by Jack Canfield offline get purchase mobile online

BOOK Chicken Soup for the Working Womans Soul: Humorous and Inspirational Stories to Celebrate the Many Roles of Working Women by

> READ BOOK > Chicken Soup for the Working Womans Soul: Humorous and Inspirational Stories to Celebrate the Many Roles of Working Women

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Book description

Book description
Whether she is a corporate executive or a factory worker, an entrepreneur or a mompreneur, todays woman is an integral part of the workforce and the American Dream. Women have made inroads in many professions that were once the domain of only men while juggling the many demands of work and family. From the woman who manages a staff of fifty, to the mother who choreographs the comings and goings of a family of five, women are the ultimate multitaskers. This collection celebrates the diversity and special contributions of women in the world of work-their hopes, their dreams and aspirations, and their accomplishments.This very special book also acknowledges the important and often unappreciated women in the homeplace through stories of stay-at-home moms for whom raising children was their most important task. These tales recognize the vital contributions of women who find their reward in devoting their lives to their families instead of collecting a paycheck.Chapters include: All in a Days Work; Balancing Work and Family; Teamwork; Special Moments, and more, and each shares the trials of working women and the special joys that achieving career dreams can bring. Readers will laugh, cry and nod in agreement as they connect with women who are not just making a living, but making a life.
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