BOOK Chance or Purpose? Creation, Evolution, and a Rational Faith by Christoph Schönborn spanish information doc read prewiew

BOOK Chance or Purpose? Creation, Evolution, and a Rational Faith by Christoph Schönborn spanish information doc read prewiew

BOOK Chance or Purpose? Creation, Evolution, and a Rational Faith by Christoph Schönborn spanish information doc read prewiew

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Book description
Cardinal Christoph Schonborns article on evolution and creation in The New York Times launched an international controversy. Critics charged him with biblical literalism and creationism.In this book, Cardinal Schonborn responds to his critics by tackling the hard questions with a carefully reasoned theology of creation. Can we still speak intelligently of the world as creation and affirm the existence of the Creator, or is God a delusion? How should an informed believer read Genesis? If God exists, why is there so much injustice and suffering? Are human beings a part of nature or elevated above it? What is mans destiny? Is everything a matter of chance or can we discern purpose in human existence?In his treatment of evolution, Cardinal Schonborn distinguishes the biological theory from evolutionism, the ideology that tries to reduce all of reality to mindless, meaningless processes. He argues that science and a rationally grounded faith are not at odds and that what many people represent as science is really a set of philosophical positions that will not withstand critical scrutiny.Chance or Purpose? directly raises the philosophical and theological issues many scientists today overlook or ignore. The result is a vigorous, frank dialogue that acknowledges the respective insights of the philosopher, the theologian and the scientist, but which calls on them to listen and to learn from each another.
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