BOOK Bright Colors Falsely Seen: Synaesthesia and the Search for Transcendental Knowledge by Kevin T. Dann read purchase how read cheap eng

BOOK Bright Colors Falsely Seen: Synaesthesia and the Search for Transcendental Knowledge by Kevin T. Dann read purchase how read cheap eng

BOOK Bright Colors Falsely Seen: Synaesthesia and the Search for Transcendental Knowledge by Kevin T. Dann read purchase how read

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Book description
In a conversation with his physician, a nineteenth-century resident of Paris who lived near the railroad described sensations of brilliant color generated by the sounds of trains passing in the night. This patient - a synaesthete - experienced color hearing for letters, words, and most sounds. Synaesthesia, a phenomenon now known to science for more than a century, is a rare form of perception in which one sense may respond to stimuli received by other senses. This fascinating book provides the first historical treatment of synaesthesia and a closely related mode of perception called eideticism. Kevin Dann discusses divergent views of synaesthesia and eideticism of the past hundred years and explores the controversies over the significance of these unusual modes of perception.
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