BOOK Bought: The Penniless Lady by Deborah Hale (Goodreads Author) audio find store price download

BOOK Bought: The Penniless Lady by Deborah Hale (Goodreads Author) audio find store price download

BOOK Bought: The Penniless Lady by Deborah Hale (Goodreads Author) audio find store price download

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Book description
Desperate to safeguard the future of her precious nephew, penniless Lady Artemis Dearing will do anything—even marry the man whose brother ruined her darling sister!Hadrian Northmores suffered enough heartbreak— he will not lose his brothers son, too. Calculating and deceitful as Lady Artemis may be, he will marry her if he must! But Hadrian isnt prepared for overwhelming desire, or his new wifes sweet disposition. Theres been some mistake…his hard-built defenses are crumbling before his very eyes!
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