BOOK Bonewitss Essential Guide to Druidism by Isaac Bonewits download book txt

BOOK Bonewitss Essential Guide to Druidism by Isaac Bonewits download book txt

BOOK Bonewitss Essential Guide to Druidism by Isaac Bonewits download book txt

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Book description
A book about Druids unlike any other, Bonewitss Essential Guide to Druidism not only goes far behind the usual Celtic and Classical references by discussing the evolution and migration of the Proto-Indo-European peoples, from whom the Celts arose, but also discusses the beliefs and ritual practices of both the British and American streams of modern Druidry, as well as providing warnings about deceptive Druid organizations and authors. This is a book that belongs in the library of every modern Druid, regardless of their particular path or style of Druidism.
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