BOOK Belonging by Sameem Ali fb2 phone kickass download audio

BOOK Belonging by Sameem Ali fb2 phone kickass download audio

BOOK Belonging by Sameem Ali fb2 phone kickass download audio

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Book description
Abandoned by her parents, Sameem Ali spent six and a half years growing up in a childrens home. When she was told that her family wanted to take her back she couldnt wait to start her new life with them. Instead, she returned to a dirty house where she was subjected to endless chores. Her mother began to beat her and her unhappiness drove her to self-harm. So Sameem was excited when she boarded a plane with her mother to visit Pakistan for the first time. It was only after they arrived in her familys village that she realised she wasnt there on holiday. Aged just thirteen, Sameem was forced to marry a complete stranger. When pregnant, two months later, she was made to return to Glasgow where she suffered further abuse from her family.After finding true love, Sameem fled the violence at home and escaped to Manchester with her young son. She believed she had put her horrific experiences behind her, but was unprepared for the consequences of violating her familys honour . . . Belonging is the shocking true story of Sameems struggle to break free from her past and fight back against her upbringing.
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